McCall's Summer 09 patterns came out today and here are a few of my favorites.

5892 - I like this as a basic dress I can dress up or down. I suspect I would need to wear a belt for shaping based on the photos but who knows.

5886 - I think view D will be cute with jeans or a skirt for summer.

5882 - I think this is my favorite of all and one I will definitely be making this summer.

5880 - I like the top version of this pattern summer because it looks loose and flowy although I don't know how it would work with bra straps so I'm not sure if it will make my project list.
Overall, I was unimpressed with the 35 pattern summer offering. There was only one pattern that I really liked and a few others that might be interesting. It's just as well as a I have a ton of patterns just waiting to be sewn. Maybe Butterick will have something better to offer.
Until then . . . Happy Sewing