. . . and I'm so excited. This has been a different kind of year for me, full of ups and downs but the things that have been constant include my health, the health of my husband and children, my fabulous friends and the undying, awe inspiring love that we share. For as many relationships that have disappeared under the high powered microscope of truth and integrity, more have flourished and have been amazing and fortifying. And then there's you,the wonderful members of the sewing community who have continued to follow and support me even though I haven't posted a single finished garment this year (I just realized that and it makes me a little sad). Special shouts out to Faye for graciously allowing me to be included in her sew-alongs this Summer when we both knew it was HIGHLY unlikely that I would actually produce a piece. To Adrienne for always keeping me laughing and inspired. To Carolyn for her prolific creativity and always keeping it real. To Knitmachinequeen for keeping it fabulous, fierce and fearless and Finally to Erica B. for motivating me to get off the "mommy couch" and actually think about Fall fashion rather than just something to cover up and stay warm. And to the rest of you who read and/or comment on my blog posts, a heartfelt thank you, you are truly appreciated.