I've had this tunic cut out since early April in preparation for Faye's Spring Month of Tops 15 day challenge in April. When I missed that deadline, I thought I'd sew it up in time for my trip to Texas over Memorial Day weekend. Obviously, I didn't quite make that deadline either but I still wanted to make the top I just have been so super busy I haven't even wanted move off the couch when I find a moment of down time. But what do you know when I came into my sewing room/office tonight to send an e-mail, I thought, "hey, how about I just sew a stitch or two while waiting for the computer to start up" and look already an identifiable silhouette. I can definitely finish this tomorrow if I can figure out how to work my new narrow hem foot bought specifically for this top because I don't think my standard rolled hem for charmeuse will do this top justice.

It's starting to warm up here and I can't wait to wear this!