Little miss Raven Alexis is here. Born November 17, 3 weeks before she was due. I shouldn't have been suprised as I have not made it to a due date yet. She is a tiny little thing at 4lbs 4oz and 17.5 inches but she is healthy and after spending 5 days in the hospital trying to get her to eat on her own and trying to get my blood pressure under control we are both home and well and her appetite is growing by the day. We used to have to spend 15-30 minutes waking her up to feed (she's a sleepy little girl, I hope she maintains such good sleeping habits) and now she is waking up on her own before her feeding time so I am one happy mama. My mom and husband have been great and I couldn't be more thankful for all they have done for me. I am also thankful for all the support and well wishes I have received from all of you. I am looking forward to resting and then getting back to sewing so I can make fabulous things for me and my sweet little baby girl.