Sooooo, I've been waiting and waiting to see Butterick's Summer 09 offerings certain that they would be fantasic after what we've seen from the other three for Summer. Imagine my shock and horror when I visited the site to find only 3 maybes out of 33 new offerings and the blatant replay of at least two patterns from Fall. I'm sorry but a sleeve variation does not a new pattern make. Here are my maybes

I like the sleeveless version better as the one with sleeves looks ill fitting on the model.

I actually really like version D but since I hardly ever wear strapless, I doubt that I will make this anytime in the near future but will probably still pick it up for $.99

I like View A of this pattern for the classic lines and style and it looks like it would be easy to put together.
The truth is, even though I'm sorely disappointed with the lack of new offerings, I'll be right in line to pick these up at the next $.99 sale.
Until then,
Happy Sewing